Interested in issues affecting the financial well-being of low- and moderate-income communities? Be sure to register for the Kansas City Fed's Exploring Financial Resiliency & Mobility: 2016 National Community Affairs Conference.
National leaders will explore the impact of health, housing, jobs, education, and consumer finance on the financial health of low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities September 7–8. The event will explore current research and innovative programs centered on understanding and advancing the financial well-being of LMI households.
Jennifer Tescher of the Center for Financial Services Innovation, Nick Bourke of Pew Charitable Trusts, Rachel Garfield of the Kaiser Family Health Foundation, Isabelle Sawhill of the Brookings Institution, and Laura Scherler of United Way Worldwide are among the presenters during the conference.
Register by August 9 and receive the early-bird rate of $150. Registration is $200 from August 10–29. Please email Terri Derendinger with questions about the forum.