July/August 2012
Subscribe OnlineGenerating Jobs in Challenging Times: A Texas-Sized Story
08/28/2012 - How can a city create an attractive business climate and leverage its unique assets to gain and retain jobs? The Greater Houston Partnership's Craig Richard discusses an approach that has worked in his city to propel significant job growth despite the weak national recovery.
Taking the Pulse of Regional Low-Wage Workers
8/23/2012 - Low-wage workers make up about one-third of the U.S. workforce. What hurdles do they encounter when looking for a job? The Atlanta Fed community and economic development group conducted a poll to understand the issues low-wage workers in the Southeast face.
Fed Survey Examines Recession's Impact on Family Finances
8/3/2012 - According to the Federal Reserve Board's Survey of Consumer Finances for 2010, American families' net worth and income have fallen sharply since 2007.
Federal Regulators Release the 2012 List of Distressed, Underserved Communities
8/3/2012 - The number of middle-income rural communities in the Southeast designated as distressed or underserved grew 45 percent between 2011 and 2012, according to federal banking regulators. Financial institutions will receive credit under the Community Reinvestment Act for revitalization or stabilization efforts in those areas.
Acting Locally: Interview with Community Development Executive Deborah Scott
7/26/2012 - Scott, executive director of Georgia STAND-UP, discusses critical issues for underserved communities and how her organization works with numerous partners to address key community and economic development issues.
From Textiles to Turnaround: A Tale of Two Cities
07/18/2012 - Many cities have experienced the contraction of a once-dominant industry. The Richmond Fed's Kim Zeuli examines two North Carolina cities—Concord and Eden—that lost their textile employment base and learned to adapt to changing conditions.
Increase in Mobile Banking Services an Opportunity for Unbanked Consumers
7/12/2012 - Kate Marshall Dole, an analyst at the Center for Financial Services Innovation, discusses the potential that mobile banking and payments represent for reaching the unbanked and underserved communities.
REO Management and Disposition Policies and Procedures: Call-in Session
7/9/2012 - Join community development practitioners from across the country at 3:30 p.m. ET on Friday, July 13, for a Federal Reserve call-in session on current policies associated with the management and disposition of real estate owned (REO) property. Register for this interactive session.