Roughly 30 million Americans—about one in 10—live in communities without adequate access to healthy food. Over the last decade, increased awareness has spurred national and local efforts to expand healthy food access, particularly in low-income communities. Join community development practitioners, researchers, and policy experts from across the country on Thursday, March 26 at 3 p.m. ET for a webinar session on this topic.
National experts will discuss data on low- and moderate-income consumers' needs and behaviors regarding healthy food, the programs and approaches proven to be most successful, and the factors that are most important for addressing this issue over the next five years.
Featured speakers include Shelly Ver Ploeg, Food Economics Data Division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; Mark Kudlowitz, CDFI Fund of the U.S. Department of the Treasury; and Yael Lehmann, The Food Trust.
Register for this session at the Connecting Communities® website. Participation is free, but preregistration is required.
These events are part of the Federal Reserve's Connecting Communities® series, a national initiative intended to provide community development practitioners, financial institution representatives, policymakers, and others with timely information on emerging and important community development topics.