The Dallas Fed, in partnership with the Department of Economics at Southern Methodist University, invites submissions of papers for the upcoming conference Intent vs. Impact: Evaluating Individual- and Community-Based Programs. The conference will be held November 16–17 in Dallas.

Researchers will gather to present and discuss original papers on the evaluation of programs and policies that affect the financial well-being of individuals and communities. The conference audience will also include policymakers and community practitioners. Keynote speakers will be Derek R.B. Douglas of the University of Chicago and Stephen L. Ross of the University of Connecticut.

Submission topics should pertain to issues faced by low- and moderate-income households, which may include, but are not limited to:

  • Affordable housing
  • Credit access (payday loans, mortgages, fair lending)
  • Financial education and literacy
  • Educational quality (school choice, teacher recruitment and retention)
  • Financial aid policy (student loans, debt)
  • Employment programs (Adults and Dislocated Workers Program, Work Opportunity Tax Credit, Trade Adjustment Assistance, Employment Protection)
  • Safety net programs (UI, EITC, SSI)
  • Health care policy (Medicaid, Medicare, Affordable Care Act)
  • Small business programs (Empowerment Zones, SBA loan programs)

Submissions of one-page-maximum extended abstracts should be emailed to Daniel Millimet at by Monday, June 15. Authors will be notified of their acceptance to the conference no later than July 1. Selected papers will also be featured in a special issue of Empirical Economics, subject to the usual referee process.

Additional details are on the Dallas Fed's website.